Getting Started with Student - Centered Design
Title: FLA Summer Webinar “Getting Started with Student - Centered Design” brought to you by the FLA Academic Instruction & Information Literacy Roundtable Date: July 30, 2pm EST Registration: https://fla.memberclicks.net/getting-started-with-student-centered-design#/. Cost: FLA Members- Free Non-Members- $10
Teaching is wonderful, but co-creating with students is even better. Join us to learn how to launch your own student-centered design team! In this fun, hands-on workshop we will share how UCLA's WI+RE (Writing Instruction + Research Education) team of graduate and undergraduate student designers creates award winning interactive media. We will take a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of WI+RE's "Wheel of Sources," a recent online tutorial focused on helping learners differentiate primary and secondary sources. And most importantly, we will share WI+RE's open toolkits for learner-led design and help you envision launching a design team at your own institution!
Doug Worsham is the Team Lead for Teaching and Learning at UCLA Library, and the subject liaison for Psychology and Food Studies. With a background in instructional design and student-centered pedagogy, Doug is passionately interested in how learners work individually and collaboratively to build knowledge. Doug is also a co-founder of WI+RE (Writing Instruction + Research Education), a learner-led design community at UCLA.
Kian Ravaei is an undergraduate student majoring in Music Composition and Philosophy. He strives to help learners achieve their learning goals through empathy, honesty, and purposeful design. (Kian’s presentation will be pre-recorded)