Florida Library Association
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Author Series_Jeffrey Blount
Friday, September 25, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: FLA Training and Informational Webinars

The Florida Library Association is pleased to present "Author Series," a new program featuring award-winning and best-selling authors of various genres to inform, educate and entertain. Each author will be featured in a 60-minute, monthly webinar.  We will spend the time chatting about various topics, including: how they became a writer, writing processes, how libraries have impacted their career, how they can help champion for libraries and answering audience questions. Each episode will be recorded and made available in the FLA On-Demand Education archive for future viewings.

FLA Members- FREE
Non-Members- $10 for 1 episode or
                            $25 for the entire series


September 25th

Jeffrey Blount


        Kristin Harmel                 Mary Alice Monroe                 Jeffrey Blount                      John Cribb                       Kimmery Martin
         The Book of                 On Ocean Boulevard            The Emancipation                     Old Abe                            The Antidote 
Names                       August 28th                       of Evan Walls                      October 23rd                       for Everything
            July 24th                                                                     September 25th                                                                  November 20th 



      Susan Zurenda                   Michelle Gable                      Susan Meissner                 Marie Bostwick                    Karen White
        Bells for Eli                        The Summer                         The Nature of                    The Restoration                      Last Night
      December 18th                     I Met Jack                            Fragile Things                   of Celia Fairchild                     in London
                                                   January 22nd                        February 26th                       March 26th                            April 23rd

Send questions to our authors! Email them to [email protected]