Image Guidelines Statement

The Florida Library Association (FLA) is committed to using visual content in our publications, both print and online, in a way that is both diverse and inclusive to best represent our entire organization and the communities they serve. 

Florida’s diversity is our greatest strength. Our focus is to make sure photos, videos, and other media used in FLA publications contain elements of diversity and highlight under-represented communities within our state. 

FLA is dedicated to ensuring that our images show a wide range of people. In order to accomplish this, content creators should endeavor to include: 

  • Multiple races including biracial and multiracial peoples

  • Disparate ethnicities and/or religions 

  • Cisgender, transgender, non-binary, and any other genders

  • A range of ages from birth to old age 

  • Differing body types, sizes, and heights

  • A wide array of physical and mental abilities and/or disabilities

To help make sure images are truly diverse, we are aware of the need to think critically about the context of the image and to be careful to not reinforce a stereotypical version of the subject. In addition, we will be mindful about tokenization or implied superiority.  

FLA encourages its members to create visual content that reflects diverse inclusion and helps our communities feel welcomed and valued.


This statement was accepted by the Board of Directors on April 15, 2022.