Pop Culture: Reach Readers in a Single Bound!

Millennials, non-parental adults, and young parents in their 30's are skipping trips to the library, visiting bookstores and video game stores instead. A Pop Culture section is our attempt to mimic those stores. By corralling our comic books, video games, anime, manga, role playing games, and other pop culture material, we are drawing attention to a collection that may go unnoticed by those who would use it most.




Margaret Cyrus, Fort Walton Beach Public Library

Kaylyn Witt, Fort Walton Beach Public Library

Margaret, a long-time fan of video games, sci-fi, and Harry Potter, has worked for the Fort Walton Beach Public Library since 2015, and curates their growing game collection.

Kaylyn is an author and anime fan who has been with the library since 2016. Margaret and Kaylyn both bring extensive bookstore experience to their work at the library. Together, they have created a brand new pop culture area which has led to a rise in interest among the millennial and Gen-X demographics.